Friday, November 2, 2012

Breathing Easier

Things have settled down with my job. Feeling more confident that I will be employed in the coming year. What a huge relief, and eye opener. I had always heard you should have 3-6 months expenses in savings, but I used to laugh and think "who does that?". Now I am feeling the pressure to take the road less traveled and to have a fully funded emergency fund.

Talk about a major set back batman. If I had to enter the new year without a job our debt would have increased drastically and quickly. For now, I don't have to worry about that pending doom, but there's always going to be the chance a grant runs dry and I will need to scramble to look for a job. It just makes sense to be prepared for that day, instead of hoping it never comes. I was once told, hoping is not a plan.

Our plan is now to keep working at chipping away at our debt, month by month, until it no longer exists. And it is going a little slower then I would like I have to admit. BUT, it is going. Going down, going in the correct direction. That fact feels so good.

A couple weeks ago our car personal property  renewal forms came in the mail. Usually this is a huge source of stress. This time it was a big high five to the fact that we had saved $50 more then the renewal cost. WE SAVED THE MONEY! WE AREN'T ADDING TO OUR DEBT!!!!!! We aren't adding to our debt for a cost we know is going to come every year in November. It still blows me away, that not only did we save for this in just about 3 months time, we also saved for our emergency fund and were paying down our debt. Who are these people? They can't be me and hubby. This is not how we operate, or is it? It is now.

Last night I finalized our November budget. I also have December and January projected. I was just amazed at the amount of money we had saved for Christmas presents and we put money in our food budget for all the get togethers that will surely add up.

I'm starting to feel the rock that we've been under lighten up. I'm starting to feel the changes in behavior take place. Oddly I am so excited for this Christmas season. I can't wait to go shopping. It doesn't feel like a chore, but a great opportunity. It feels like the way it is supposed to. The fun of giving gifts. For the first time in YEARS we will be giving gifts without burying ourselves in debt. It doesn't erase the debt that we have, but it sure makes it feel more manageable.

We do still need to create a budget for the gifts. Just because we have the cash doesn't mean we can freely spend it or we will end up needing a gift for someone and no money. I think that budget will be a great guide! This telling your money where to go and how to work is working out so much better then money telling me where it is going. Why didn't we do this before?????????