Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Making a change

When I started this blog it was really focused on my families journey to become debt free. We are still on that journey but I've had a little writers block about what to share lately and have found that I really have other things I wanted to write about, things I wanted to share. Starting today Here's Your Clue will be not just about our journey to be debt free but also about our life. I hope readers enjoy reading about the clues we receive along the way and take some clues for their own lives. I pretend this blog is for you, but really it's for me. It is for me to learn from the lessons in my life, and to catalog the many clues I have been given, so maybe, just maybe, I won't have to repeat so many lessons.

Now that I am not pigeon holed by the thought of this blog being about becoming debt free, I think I just might write a little more. I hope there are some of readers out there that will come along with me.

So, on to the shifted blog. (I wish that there was  a device that could write your thoughts. I had this whole blog written in my head the other day. It sounded so much better in my head. If it is a little disjointed, I'm sorry. I 'll do better another day.)

Change. I am not really a fan of change. I don't know why that is, because change is the one thing that is guaranteed to happen. I've just never been a roll with the punches kind of girl. I like things a certain way, but I will admit I'm not good at communicating the way I like things. When I have many things to do, I make a list, and get them done. I make lists of things I need to pack if going on a trip. I'm a planner, sort of. Some of my lists only exist in my head, which isn't always helpful to Hubby.  If I plan, then things will go the way I plan, right, and I won't have to change. Ha! You would think after becoming a mom close to four years ago, I would know that you can't plan for everything.

Change. In 2012 Hubby and I started tackling our debt and trying to be fiscally responsible. UGH! That change has been much more painful for me then I like to admit. Knowing where our money is going is good, it is the right thing to do. I can often be found suggesting to others how they can get on board with budgeting and envelope system. I do think the changes we have made have been good for our marriage. BUT! I miss the impulse shopping. I miss going to lunch with co-workers and friends whenever I want. I miss not thinking about money. I don't miss the occasional overdraft.  I don't miss the number of credit card payments that has dwindled to one. I have gone kicking and screaming into this change. I have tried to turn around from time to time but darn if something doesn't push me back into the right direction.

Change. With budgeting under our belt, this year Hubby and I have been tackling weight loss and getting healthy. Seriously? Weight loss? UGH! Double UGH! I have struggled with my weight my whole life. So, this time, for like the 100th time, I joined Weight Watchers. The difference this time is that Hubby is doing it with me. Ok, maybe this will work this time. Maybe! We have been trying different recipes, buying good foods, tracking what we are eating, and so far, good results. But, let's be honest here. I am a fat girl through and through. I love food. Fatty foods, cheesy foods, red meat and the food at the top of my food pyramid, ice cream. This is not my first rodeo, I get that moderation is the key to sustained weight loss. But come on people, do you really not eat carbs after lunch?? I'm sorry. I can't go that far.

Change. Exercise. Really, people do this, and feel the need to on a daily basis? I just don't believe it. In no way is it fun, relaxing or invigorating. You people are crazy. I get it though, I NEED to do it for my heart, and tone up my flab. It just blows me away when I read these stories on Weight Watchers about people who have lost substantial weight who went from couch potato to "I exercise an hour a day, every day". SERIOUSLY? Is there a drug that helped you do that? Because when my alarm goes off, every muscle in my body screams, "NO KEEP SLEEPING".

I don't know what my issue is with change. Some changes have come so easily, like sharing my home with my husband. I honestly thought it would be more difficult. Giving up that independent lifestyle. Giving up the ability to hang what ever I wanted on the walls without discussing it first. Giving up cooking whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. But sharing my life and home with my husband has probably been one of the easiest changes of my life. Maybe it is because he gets me and has made the change so easy. Don't get me wrong, there are some pieces of that change that have not been easy, but they definitely aren't even worth mentioning because life with him is better then life without.

We can discuss the changes that come with kids another day. That's like a hundred posts worth of change.

Change is not my favorite thing. But the clue I have been hit over the head with is, change is constant it. Deal with it or be miserable. I think I will try to deal with it and embrace the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jen,
    Thanks for the clue, I agree with you change is hard but you are doing an amazing job and have so many rooting for you. I admire you and think you are a kick-ass friend.
